Sunday, November 28, 2010


addicted to internet.
ni benda yg sape2 da t'jebak susah nk berhenti.
men game,chatting smpi pkul 2-3 pagi..
ala...sape2 yg ade internet besenye da penah buat..termasukla yours truly~
mule2 seronok..tak tipu.
x de internet rse mcm x de life bile dgr kwn2 citer psl kehidupan on9 diorg.
knl kwn kt situ..knl kwn kt sane..jmpe mmber yg kamcheng walhal x penah sua muka pn.
sronok...mmg best...feels like u're on top of the world..
tu..tahun lepas la..

internet life ni dull lah lame2 sbnrnye..
bknnye x suke woo dpt bce komik, novel free kt sini..sng hidup..x perlu merayu utk menapak ke mph berdekatan..cume, rase kebatakan mse mule2 da hilang..
urge utk on9 da kurg..
but, the pot's calling the kettle black...or the kettle's calling the pot black??

tgkla aq yg post 2-3 kali sehari ni...haha~


bosan thp giga...
ni klau tgk ulat bulu jd kepompong pstu jd rama2 pn blom habes kebosannnye.

aq bru thu MR.Bu-lart, tdo cmne klau sejuk.rupe2nye kuceng klau sjuk, tidor mcm ulat gonggok.

ouh, ini bkn keadaan, da dkt la...hari2 dye tdor mcm ni..

kuceng tu landing dlm master bedroom dgn aircond 20 celcius.parak bil letrik sbb dye sekor.pastu ade manusia bijak bantalkn dye.siap dgn selimut.tawla kuceng ni tdo mati.*mirah pnye kje la tu
sronok tgk dye, bile *Puteh masuk je bilik tu, dye trus bangon spnts kilat.*puteh tu betina.
conclusion:alarm 'awekss alert' dye still b'fungsi walau pn da tdo mati td.
haish..ape ko karut mlm2 buta ni...

ouh lupe.
blog kau sndiri, suke hati kau la nk karut cemarut kt sini

Thursday, November 25, 2010


First, let's work on some maths: "Skyline" is an alien invasion flick that has a touted US$10 million budget! This amount is a shoestring for an alien attack film - it is not even enough to pay the salary of an A-list star! So now you can do the maths and understand why there are no big stars here.

If you had seen the trailer you might have been impressed by the CGI effects of the tentacled UFOs. This is probably where all the money have gone. Everything else, from its lame script and B-grade TV stars to its sets, are all hotch-potch and downright rudimentary. It is an exploitation film that seems destined for DVD.

Synopsis: After a night of heavy partying at a posh condo in Los Angeles, a bunch of friends are awakened in the early hours by mysterious beams of light from the skyline. Those who gaze on the light get entranced - like moths to a flame and get 'burnt up'. Yup, the alien ships have landed and the survivors at the condo unit, Jarrod (Eric Balfour) and his fiancée (Scottie Thompson, pictured below with Balfour), and their friends Terry (Donald Faison of TV's "Scrubs") and Candice (Brittany Daniel) must find a way to escape the aliens' grasp. But where can they run? There are so many things wrong with the movie that I don't know where to begin. The film, directed by the Brothers Strause who did the effects for "The X-FIles", centres the action inside the condo unit so much that we get the impression that LA is deserted and the only folks left are those in the half-empty building. No attempt is made to show the scope of the 'body snatching' and its effects on the millions of other city-dwellers.

Next, the main characters are being portrayed as such selfish and unsavoury people that we root for the aliens to take them away. This may be because the writers have not bothered to flesh out their backgrounds, except for a few predictable turns. The only one who comes on as real is David Sayas (of TV's "Dexter" fame) who plays the building supervisor. Also, the dialogue is lame and clichéd. The writers must have had the notion that audience interest can be sustained if they have the characters yell at one another.

There's no doubt that Strause brothers provide exhilarating special effects - but they need to work on getting a good story to go with their CGI magic. Otherwise it is just a damn waste.

ni lah review utk movie tersebut...maybe bley dipersetujui la jgk.x de ape sgt pn dlm movie, mcm2 mane pn.....farihah dan aq agk terkejut dlm certain scene dlm movie x fairy?adek aq plak aq x taw pe kabo dye kt sebla sane tuh.
reaksi farihah msti best kalo aq nmpk.terlepas la...dang~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


x thu bile aq start bce buku2 mcm ni...alolo~

ni Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer.
a 14 years old genius that saves the world.
kemengarutan melampau ea?

ni lg teruk kut.
Lirael is a girl who's out of place.
mak ayh dye mixed something-like-that la.ayh dye rmbut hitam, mak dye blonde.
tak ptt bersama sbb dedua tu cm puak berbeza.then, rupe2nye dye royalty.pewaris magic mak dye.

ni pasal sisters.
Nya n Tali.sorg ni Healer, sorg ni plak Taker.yg Healer ni..well, heal la.yg Taker ni, amek kesakitn org len n bley ltk kt org len.government plak korup n nk gunakn diorg ni.
fantasy overload?

ni smbungn nye.tah ape jd, x thu lg sbb x bce lg.

ni plak psl cter zmn monggol.
maid-turn-cinderella.basically gitu la.
ni da menjangkau fairy tale..

ni plak, psl adek beradik nk slmtkn family + village diorg.
ofcourse, si kakak ade power.adek dye plak bese2 je.
si kakak ni plak agk kasar n maybe kurg disukai ramai.
diorg kene crik manusia nme doyati supaya raja jht tu x bg kuasa kt pkcik diorg yg nk korbankn diorg.bla bla bla..nk thu bce sinopsis sndiri ye.

ni plak psal wizard + djinnie + assassins + magic + corrupted government
a kid who overthrowns his own kingdom.amcm?
bley thn ea?

ade lagi...jgn risau~

okey, ni maybe mengarut tp, ni mmg best.tak tipu
hunger games ni psl katniss yg msuk hunger games-games yg mmksa org mmbunuh sesama sndiri sbb dye nk slamatkn adek dye yg comel-primrose.
dye jmpe peeta mellark yg kebetulan suke kt, peeta pn join game tu.maybe, diorg t'pksa bunuh ssama sndiri nnti?!ntah x thu la..heee~
next year maybe on screen-jd movie...woohoo!

buku2 kt ats ni mungkin kekarutannya nmpk melampau n overdose.TAPI, thrill utk stiap buku tu, penulis2 tu buat buku smpi rse mcm real.x de buku2 jiwang mne pn yg bley buat mcm tu.:P
so, sukahati aq la klu aq rse nk muntah ble bkk buku2 alaf 21 ataw sgala yg berkaitan dgnnya.wekk~

Friday, November 19, 2010

pesan k.maira

aritu borak blek ngn ex-KD ku tahun 2009.
manusia pandai weh..dpt 11, skrg kt mesir smbung study in medic.
power x kakak tu?
sronok woo bile rpt ngn somebody.
walaupun beza umo 2 tahun-eleh 2 tahun je.
itula pasal...
betapa bezanya hubungan KD ngn dormmate yg beza 2 thn ngn yg beza sthn.
fifth put3 jaidon, ko phm kn?
aq ckp cket punya berkias ni.hah~
k.maira kate,
mse mule2 msuk dorm, dye x suke dorm tuh.
dye kate dorm yg dye rse mcm x knal sape2 tu lah dorm terbaek yg dye pnah ade.
t'haru x?
so, psn k.maira lg,
jangan trus x suke manusia2 yg same dorm ngn kite tuh, bkn sbb diorg bru kte rse dorm tu x best,tp, kte yg mmbuatkn dorm tu jd x best.

p/s:lagi2 kalau kau tu hrp kau bce nih~

kata2 pujangga k.maira bg lg,
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway

k.maira pn psn jgk jgn blaja smate2 exam.
try kill two birds with one stone.
you got nothing to lose ay?

jadi, kanak2 skalian.
ambillah iktibar dr yg mne ptt.
sayangi dormmate anda & KD anda :p